Physiotherapy News

Physiotherapy News2019-11-01T15:16:54+00:00

Hip replacement rehabilitation

Hip replacements help people with painful, degenerated hip joints to regain the ability to walk and regain independence. The surgery is only the first part of the process and what happens in their rehabilitation is just as important. One thing that impedes recovery is the restriction of certain hip movements to help prevent a dislocation [...]

By |July 8th, 2016|Hip replacement|Comments Off on Hip replacement rehabilitation

Standing desks and spinal pain

Standing desks are becoming more popular in workplaces but are they a good idea for everyone? The quick answer is it depends on the individual's preferences, their work tasks and environment. Some clients who have back pain may benefit from standing for part of the day but a full assessment by a physiotherapist is needed [...]

By |June 3rd, 2016|ergonomics|0 Comments

Golf swing mechanics

An interesting, relatively simple article about correct golf swing mechanics. Too much movement in the lower back rather than the hips and thorax and you can get problems with lower back pain and need to see a physiotherapist. Getting lessons from a golf coach is always useful in conjunction with back or shoulder pain with golf. [...]

By |March 29th, 2015|e-physiotherapy, golf, Sport|0 Comments

Heel pain and physiotherapy

People who stand for long periods during the working day are more likely to get heel pain and plantar fasciopathy (fasciitis). Other causes can be wearing heels, sudden changes in activity levels and unsupportive shoes while running or walking. Common treatments for heel pain are physiotherapy exercises and/or steroid injection. Physiotherapy can help plantar fasciopathy [...]

By |October 19th, 2014|Heel pain|0 Comments

Poor posture and its affect on sporting ability An excellent article summarising how poor posture can affect your sporting performance through common problems such as muscle imbalances, weakness and tightness. Muscles shorten because they are weak, because you hold them in a shortened position for long periods of time or because they are having excessive constant loads placed on them that they [...]

By |October 2nd, 2014|Sport|Comments Off on Poor posture and its affect on sporting ability

Physiotherapy or steroid for shoulder pain

In a study of physiotherapy versus steroid injection in over one hundred adults with shoulder rotator cuff problems, shoulder bursitis or shoulder tendinitis, both groups showed significant improvement. However, the steroid group needed more follow up appointments with their doctor over the following year compared to the physiotherapy group. Additionally, around 20% of both groups [...]

By |September 21st, 2014|Shoulder pain|Comments Off on Physiotherapy or steroid for shoulder pain
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