Staying current with the latest advancements in physiotherapy is essential to providing top-quality care. Here, you’ll find a list of the professional development courses and conferences I’ve attended, showcasing my ongoing commitment to excellence.
Date | Course Description | Location |
02/08/1997 | Orthotic Prescription, Melanie Healey | Ryde, Isle of Wight |
05-07/08/1997 | Myofascial Release 1 John F Barnes | Saratoga Springs New York USA |
28-29/03/1998 | Pain and the Sympathetic Nervous System, Michael Thacker | London |
31/03/1998 | Diagnosis and Managemnt of Groin Pain, Linda Exelby | London |
6 & 13/04/1998 | Introduction to Pilates | Fulham Physiotherapy, London |
12-13/09/1998 | Integrated Thoracic Spine, Paul Godfrey | University College London |
19-20/09/1998 | Muscle Energy of the Lunmbar Spine and Pelvis, Pete Emerson | London |
25/09/1998 | Work Hardening, Robin Saunders | London |
31/10-01/11/1998 | Exercise Rehabilitation, Alan Hodson, Premier League Football Physiotherapist | London |
05/12/1998 | The Sporting Back, Lance Twomey | London |
29/04-02/05/1999 | Pilates Level 1&2, Dance Medicine Australia | London |
14-16/08/1999 | Muscle Function, Professor Janda | London |
26/09 & 05/12/1999 | Myofascial Acupuncture, Royal Homeopathic Hospital | London |
03-04/12/1999 | Podiatry for Physiotherapists | Southampton University |
18-19/12/2000 | Introductory Acupuncture, Linda Tagg | Alton, Hampshire |
19-20/04/2001 | Pilates Level 3, Dance Medicine Australia | London |
19/01-22/06/2004 | Physiotherapy Clinical Educator Module | Glasgow Caledonian University |
10-13/11/2004 | World Congress on Low Back and Pelvis Pain | Melbourne Australia |
30-31/05/2006 | Motivational Interviewing Techniques, Lynne Johnston | Edinburgh, Lothian NHS |
16-18/01/2007 | Classification of Chronic Low Back Pain, Wim Dankaerts | Livingston Scotland |
02-03/06/2007 | Temporomandibular Disorders, Steven Stavrou | Nottingham |
07-10/11/2007 | World Congress on Low Back and Pelvis Pain | Barcelona Spain |
26/02/2009 | Upper Limb Tendinopathy, Peter Malliaris | Cardiff |
7-8/05/2009 | Cervicogenic Headahces, Toby Hall, Ina Diener | London |
09/05/2009 | Evidence Based Physiotherapy Conference | Imperial College, London |
10/05/2009 | The Sporting Hip and Groin 1, James Moore, Mark Young | London |
05/09/2009 | The Sporting Hip and Groin 2, James Moore, Mark Young | London |
09/11/2009 | Office Ergonomics, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy | Manchester |
26-28/02/2010 | Ultimate Dry Needling, Steven Stavrou | London |
26/03/2011 | The Everyday Shoulder, Craig Allingham | Auckland New Zealand |
04/04/2011 | Dance UK Conference | London |
11/08/2011 | CPR Training, Red Cross | Edinburgh |
30/11/2011 | Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) and Cranial Techniques, Francine St George | Sydney Australia |
23/02/2013 | Kinesiology Taping | London |
10-11/06/2013 | Combined Approach to the Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ), Howard Turner | Royal London Hospital |
06/07/2013 | Cycling Injuries, Dr Michael Callaghan | Cardiff |
27-31/10/2013 | 8th World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Pain | Dubai |
14-17/02/2014 | 3D Lumbo-pelvic Course, Trish Wisbey-Roth | Cape Town, South Africa |
25-28/05/2014 | Advances on the Knee Shoulder and Sports Medicine | Hilton Head, SC, USA |
05/07/2014 | Medical Innovations Conference | Royal Society of Medicine |
16/06/2014 | Stroke Rehabilitation | Royal Society of Medicine |
27/09/2014 | London Sports Therapy Meeting | Royal College of Surgeons |
22-23/11/2014 | Lower Limb Tendinopathy, Peter Malliaris | Sydney Australia |
27-30/11/2014 | Integrated Dry Needling, Andrew Hutton | Melbourne Australia |
18/03/2015 | Shoulder rehabilitation, Karen Ginn | UCL London |
28/02/15-01/03/2015 | Fourth Annual Spinal Symposium | Park Plaza, London Victoria |
01-5/05/2015 | World Confederation of Physical Therapy | Singapore |
23-24/05/2015 | Foundations of Voice Annie Strauch | Melbourne, Australia |
31/07/2015 | Voice discussion, Annie Strauch | Skype, Melbourne |
19/08/2015 | Sporting Hand Wrist and Elbow, Ian Gatt | National Tennis Centre, London |
17/06/2015 | Lyn Watson’s Sporting Shoulder | Royal London Hosptial |
03/09/2015 | CPR and Manual Handling | Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre |
12-13/09/2015 | Nutrition for Physiotherapists | Sydney, Australia |
21-22/11/2015 | The Challenging Larynx, Annie Strauch | Melbourne, Australia |
13-16/04/2016 | Global Spine Congress 2016 | Dubai, UAE |
04/05/2016 | 1st international Conference on Dystonia in Sports | Hannover, Germany |
05-07/05/2016 | 3rd International Congress on Treatment of Dystonia | Hannover, Germany |
17/08/2016 | Ear Nose and Throat lecture | London |
13/10-15/09/2016 | Thoracic Ring course, Linda Joy Lee | London |
27/09-30/09/2016 | International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) Congress | Yokohama Japan |
5&6, 12&13/11/2016 | Lyn Watson Shoulder level 1&2 | Sydney and Melbourne Australia |
04/02/2017 | Nutrition Course | Whittington Hospital, London |
06/02/2017 | Physio First Data for Impact Study participation started – continuinog | University of Brighton/Physio First |
18-19/03/2017 | Shoulder Rehabilitation Karen Ginn | Sutton Tennis Centre, London |
18/05/2017 | Gout Diagnosis and Treatment, Ms Claire Higgens | Royal College of Obstetrics, London |
09/06/2017 | The microbiome as a key regulator of visceral P | IASP, Webinar |
01/07/2017 | Dizziness course, Sue Reid and Lucy Thomas | Cape Town, South Africa |
2-4/07/2017 | World Confederation of Physical Therapy | Cape Town, South Africa |
31/08-01/09/2017 | Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome Congress IASP | Cork, Ireland |
16/09/2017 | Orthopaedic Examination of the spine and limbs | London, UK |
19-21/10/2017 | Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference | Sydney, Australia |
24/11/2017 | Swiss Sports Physiotherapy Congress | Bern, Switzerland |
6-7/01/2018 | Reconciling biomechanics with pain, Greg Lehman | Chelsea & Westminster Hosp, UK. |
08/02/2018 | Brian Mulligan Practical Master Class | Cairo Egypt |
9-10/02/2018 | Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Congress | Cairo Egypt |
23/03/2018 | Pain and Pharmacology. David Baker. University College of Osteopathy | London |
11/04/2018 | Intellectual disability and physiotherapy | Sydney, Australia |
15/04/2018 | Sporting Elbow, Wrist and hand. Australian Physiotherapy Association | Melbourne, Australia |
15/05/2018 | Exercise Induced Laryngeal Obstruction Congress | London, UK |
23/05/2018 | Gym Injuries. Pressing Concerns, Shoulder. | London, UK. |
02/06/2018 | Myth of Core Stability, Dr Eyal Lederman | London, UK. |
09/06/2018 | Total Sports Injuries | Liverpool Street, London. |
05/07/2018 | Osteoporosis & Crush Fractre Management, NHS Lothian Guidelines review. | Edinburgh |
7-8/7/2018 | Yoga course, Yinka Fabusuyl | University College of Osteopathy, London |
13/09 – 16/09/2018 | International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) Conference. | Boston, USA. |
25-28/10/2018 | International Association of Dance Medicine and Science Conference | Helsinki, Finland |
15-16/11/2018 | Swiss Sports Physio Congress | Bern, Switzerland |
02/12/2018 | Vestibular rehabilitation, Australian Physiotherapy Association | Sydney, Australia |
08/12/2018 | Dancing Hip, Australian Physiotherapy Association | Perth, Australia |
28/02-3/3/2019 | If you can’t breathe you can’t function, Mary Massery. Australian Physiotherapy Association | Sydney, Australia |
08/05-11/05 2019 | Fourth International Congress on the Treatment of Dystonia | Hannover, Germany |
24/05/2019 | Ridgway Method | Glasgow |
23-24/08/2019 | International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physiotherapists (IFOMPT) Congress | Helsinki Finland |
25-26/08/2019 | Shirley Sahrmann course | Helsinki Finland |
22/07-24/07 2019 | Movement Brain Body Cognition Conference | Tel Aviv, Israel |
14-15/09/2019 | Neck Clinical Rehabilitation, Chris Worsfold | St Peter’s Hospital Guildford |
23/09/2019 | Imaging in sports and Musculoskeletal Medicine | Royal Society of Medicine, London |
17-19/10/2019 | Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference | Adelaide Australia |
15-18/11/2019 | Joanne Elphinston Movement Systems (JEMS) Course | Brunel University, London |
24/01/2019 | Pharmacological Management of Chronic Pain | Royal Society of Medicine, London |
22-23/02/2020 | Thoracic spine and neck, Trish Wisbey-Roth | Sydney Australia. |
22/04/2020 | Stress, Fatigue and Hormones, Elaine McQuade | Webinar 2 hours |
23/04/2020 | Exploring the Pandemic and its Unknown Destiny | RSM webinar, London, 30 min |
07/05/2020 | COVID19, The pathophysiology of the virus | RSM webinar, London, 30 min |
19/05/2020 | COVID19, Can the UK learn from Europe & if so what | RSM webinar, London 30 min. |
20/05/2020 | COVID19. Creating a safe working environment | RSM webinar, London 1 hour. |
21/05/2020 | Abdominopelvic Rehabilitation, Corina Avni | Webinar 3 hours. |
01/06/2020 | COVID19. Effects on sports, cardiac/resp in athletes | RSM webinar, London 1 hour. |
18/06/2020 | Orthopaedics. Current Surgery for knee | RSM webinar, London 1 ½ hours. |
25/06/2020 | MRI of the knee. Meniscal and ACL injuries | RSM webinar, London 1 ½ hours. |
27/08/2020 | RSM COVID 19: Behind the Stats. | RSM, webinar, London 30 min. |
07/07/2020 | RSM COVID 19: Cardiac and Cardiovascular Issues | RSM webinar, London 30 min. |
06&20/10/2020 | Healthy Psoas course, Liz Koch | Webinar, 9 hours. |
08/10/2020 | Mathematical Models. Mapping the virus course | RSM webinar 1 hour. |
15/10/2020 | Sweden and the Second Wave | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
05/11/2020 | RSM COVID 19: ICU, What has changed? | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
13/11/2020 | Swiss Sports Physiotherapy Association. ACL rehab. | SSPA webinar 3 ½ hours. |
19/11/2020 | RSM COVID 19 in Africa | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
10/12/2020 | RSM COVID 19 What have we learned? | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
26/11/2020 | RSM COVID 19 Questions Answered | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
14/01/2021 | RSM COVID 19 Mutations | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
24&31/01/2021 | Craniosacral Applications Masterclass, Steven Goldstein | Webinar 6 hours. |
18/02/2021 | RSM COVID 19 What Treatments are effective? | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
11/02/2021 | RSM COVID 19 Virus mutations. | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
18/03/2021 | RSM COVID 19 Pandemic Year. What happens next? | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
20/03/21-10/04/2021 | Core connections, Fascial system, Steven Goldstein | Webinar 9 hours. |
01/04/2021 | RSM COVID 19 Professor Chris Whitty CMO England | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
08/04/2021 | RSM COVID 19 Europe and the 3rd Wave | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
15/04/2021 | RSM COVID 19 Vaccine Efficacy, Safety | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
06/05/2021 | RSM COVID 19 Blood Clots | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
07/05/2021 | Pain and Fear Avoidance | Webinar G2G Coaching 3 hours. |
18/05/2021 | Frozen Shoulder, Craig Allingham | Webinar 1 hour |
17/06/2021 | RSM COVID19 Delta Variant & End of Restrictions | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
26/06/2021 | Pain and Psychology | Webinar G2G Coaching 3 hours. |
22/07/2021 | RSM COVID19 Ventilation and Infection control | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
19/08/2021 | RSM COVID19 your Questions Answered | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
02/09/2021 | RSM COVID19 Managing Preventing Hospital Inf | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
15-18/09/2021 | Upledger Craniosacral Therapy 1 | Brighton, UK. |
30/09/2021 | RSM COVID19. Schools, Infection, Children | RSM webinar ¾ hour. |
12/11/2021 | Copenhagen Shoulder Conference | Copenhagen, Denmark. |
25/11/2021 | RSM COVID19 Your questions Answered | RSM webinar ¾ hour |
09/12/2021 | RSM COVID19 Omricon | RSM webinar ¾ hour |
22/01/2022 | Psychology of Pain | G2G webinar 3 hours |
24/02/2022- | Trauma informed | NHS Scotland online |
16-19/03/2022 | Upledger Craniosacral Therapy 2 | Brighton UK |
02/05/2022 | Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRO) review | |
28-31/05/2022 | Advances on the Knee Sh, Hip and Sports Med | Hilton Head SC, USA |
06/06/2022 | Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRO) review | |
17/06/2022 | Hypermobility Syndrome | RSoyal Society of Medicine Live stream |
01/07/2022 | Prehabilitation for Surgery | Royal Society of Medicine day course |
01/08/2022 | Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRO) review | |
03/09/2022 | Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRO) review | |
04/07/2022 | Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRO) review | |
24-27/08/2022 | Pan European Voice Conference | Tallin, Estonia |
11-14/09/2022 | Fascia Research Congress | Montreal, Canada |
03/10/2022. | Adolescents and Musculoskeletal injuries | Royal Society of Medicine day course |
04/10/2022 | Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRO) review | |
27/10/2022. | The Shin, Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) and Tendinopathy | Clinical Edge podcasts. |
04/11/2022 | Swiss Sports Physiotherapy Congress | Bern, Switzerland |
07/11/2022 | Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRO) review | |
07/11/2022 | Tom Groom Running Injury Quiz | Clinical Edge online |
16/11/2022 | Osteopathic Decapitation, Craniosacral reviews | Marco Gabutti article |
19/11/2022 | Extracorporeal Shock wave therapy course | R&D Physio London |
22/11/2022 | Physiotherapy Management of Achilles Tendinopathy review article | Peter Malliaras, Aust J of Physio |
30/11/2022 | Physical activity and sport in Rheumatology | Royal Society of Medicine 4 hours, London |
13/12/2022 | Solving shin pain. Tom Groom. | Clinical Edge online |
02-04/02/2023 | Sports Congress | Copenhagen |
07/02/2023 | Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRO) review | |
13/02/2023 | NICE guidelines on Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) hyaluronic acid and Osteoarthritic knees | National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) document |
25-26/03/2023 | Lynn Watson Shoulder Level 1 | Lynn Watson Sydney Australia |
01/04/2023 | Men’s health Course, Craig Allingham, Australian Physiotherapy Association | Sydney, Australia |
04/04/2023 | Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRO) review | |
29/04/2023 | Muscle Energy evidence, Gary Fryer | University College of Osteopathy London |
02/05/2023 | Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRO) review | |
18-20/05/2023 | Society for Acupuncture Research Conference | New York, USA |
21/06/2023 | Maitland – Are we throwing the baby out… | InTouch Physio First |
24-25/06/2023 | Shoulder Steps to Success | Jo Gibson, Ashford Hospital |
11/07/2023 | Recognising Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) | InTouch Physio First |
11/07/2023 | Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatories (NSAIDs) healing process and Musculoskeletal injury repair | InTouch Physio First |
11/07/2023 | Recognition and Management of hypermobility | InTouch Physio First |
31/08/2023 | Health and Care Professions Council updated standard of proficiency | HCPC online |
05/09/2023 | Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRO) review | |
20-22/09/2023 | European Pain Congress | Budapest, Hungary |
30/09/2023 | Anterior knee pain | Dr Lee Herrington |
16/10/2023 | Imaging in Sports and Musculoskeletal Medicine | Royal Society of Medicine London |
01-04/11/2023 | World Congress on Low Back Pain and the Pelvis | Melbourne, Australia |
07/11/2023 | Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRO) review | |
24/11/2023 | Swiss Sports Physiotherapy Congress | Bern, Switzerland |
31/12/2023 | Pain Articles | In Touch Magazine |
1-3/02/2024 | Scandinavian Sports Medicine Congress | Copenhagen, Denmark |
04/02/2024 | Street Dance Competition | University of East London |
10/03/2024 | Sarcoma Red flags Nottingham University | Online |
23/03/2024 | Neuro dynamics course, Francesco Contiero | UCO London |
31/03/2024 | Extracorporeal Shockwave review | InTouch Magazine |
15/04/2024 | Hypnosis and Medical Treatment | Royal Society of Medicine London |
27/04/2024 | Rehabilitation of Low Back Pain, Thomas Dekkers | London St Leonards Hospital |
21/05/2024 | Sleep and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) | Royal Society of Medicine London |
04/06/2024 | Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRO) review | |
8-9/06/2024 | Osteopathy in the Cranial Field, Marco Gabutti | University College of Osteopathy, London |
14-15/6/2024 | World Confederation of Sports Physical Therapy | Oslo, Norway |
12-14/07/2024 | Singapore International Physiotherapy Congress | Singapore |
06/08/2024 | Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRO) review | |
06/08/2024 | Whiplash Guidelines | University of Sydney and University of Queeelsland |
03/09/2024 | Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRO) review | |
02/10/2024 | High Performance Sports Conference | Royal Society of Medicine, London |
03/10/2024 | TMJ management, what’s new and relevant. Cesar Fernandez de las Penas | Webinar 2 hours |
19/10/2024 | Sporting Elbow Wrist and Hand, Australian Physiotherapy Association | Sydney Australia |
26-27/10/2024 | Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) course, Australian Physiotherapy Association, Guy Zito | Melbourne Australia |
03/12/2024 | Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDRO) review | |
17/12/2024 | St Andrew’s Emergemcy First Aid | Edinburgh |
04/02/2025 | Sleep Disorders in Physical Health | Royal Society of Medicine, London |
